On my agenda today was a "Plein air" class in watercolor for 7 students. Teaching outdoors is challenging at best but we'd had some rain Thursday night with sprinkles predicted through Saturday. Since Friday was pretty nice, sunny with clouds, and with stars showing when I went to bed, I had plenty of confidence for a decent day. Well, at 5 a.m. I was rudely awakened by pouring rain. Being the optimist that I am, I told myself, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. By the time I left home it was barely misting. But I live 25 miles from our painting location. Everyone showed up, we found some cover, we had a little sun and some rain, a great lunch, more painting and a thoroughly great experience. By the time I returned home, I was rewarded with this beautiful scene of the clouds across the valley at sunset.
"After the Storm" © Kathy Dunham 2009