There's a beautiful park in downtown Hamilton, Bermuda. I don't know the name of this bronze nor the artist who created it but the birds ceratinly enjoy using is as a resting place.
"Flying with the Birds" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Suspended Water
I love what cameras allow us to see. Stop action and slow motion features give us insights to the wonders of nature and other events. All those little droplets look like they're floating in air. I guess the are but they move so fast we don't get to see these little gems.
"Suspended Water" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
In the Spotlight
I've seen this flower in various countries of the world but have yet to come up with a name. Anyone out there have an idea???
"In the Spotlight" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"In the Spotlight" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Look at My Shadows!
Fuschias don't grow here in the desert, too hot. These were just waiting for me to capture their portrait. The late afternoon light perfect,creating quite a drama of contrasts.
"Look at My Shadows!" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Look at My Shadows!" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Hearst Castle
Designed after a Spanish cathedral, the main building at Hearst Castle is an imposing structure situated 1,600 feet above the Pacific Ocean. It commands spectular views in all directions giving William Randolph Hearst the ability to view his property, which was as far as the eye could see .
"Hearst Castle" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Hearst Castle" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Spouting Water
This unique faucet is just one of the many surprises to be found at Lotusland in Montecito, California. Just south of the city of Santa Barbara, this unusual property was once a private residence and is now open to the public on a limited basis. You need a reservation to tour the property and believe me, it's a real treasure worth the time.
"Spouting Water" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Spouting Water" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Just Sprinkled
It was the middle of the day but the roses had just received a sprinkling to cool them off in the warm Santa Barbara afternoon. Each water drop looks like a sparkling diamond waiting to be admired.
"Just Sprinkled" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Just Sprinkled" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Perfect Reflections
At first I thought there were two waterlilies but when I looked closer, it's only one with a great reflection. I'm often surprised when I review my pictures. Many times I'm so focused on one thing that I miss something else.
"Perfect Reflections" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Perfect Reflections" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Red Dahlia
Dahlias don't grow too well here in the desert so when I find some I jump at the chance to photograph them. This one was such a rich, deep red I was in heaven.
"Red Dahlia" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Red Dahlia" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Neptune Pool
William Randolph hearst was a visionary. A wealthy one. And with that combination, he built a marvelous home on the central coast of California we call Hearst Castle. It's now part of the State Parks system and definitely a must see. It's worth the drive to this beautiful part of the state. This is the view from my relaxed seated position at the Neptune Pool. This part of the grounds is not normally open to the public. But they've just started allowing self guided garden tours and it's possible to wander the grounds until sunset and enjoy the plants, statuary and awesome views. There are plenty of rattan chairs around to sit and enjoy. And enjoy we did.
"The Neptune Pool" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"The Neptune Pool" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Blooming Cactus
It's unusual to spot one of these in bloom in the middle of the day as they tend to be night bloomers. I was lucky getting this shot. As they say, "Better to be lucky than good". But being good doesn't hurt when added to being lucky.
"Blooming Cactus" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Blooming Cactus" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Yellow Lotus
There are many beautiful gardens in Santa Barbara and Montecito. I was lucky enough to visit one today and doulbe lucky to see the lotus flowers in bloom. They just started opening last week and the sun was out today. My lucky day!!
"Yellow Lotus" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Yellow Lotus" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Happy B-Day Don & Hunter
If you're ever inSanta Barbara and want a great "Cajun" dinner, you're got to !eat at The Palace Grill" on Cota St. Right out of New Orleans, this restaurant offers great Louisiana specialties. And if you're there for a special occasion, call in advance for the houe specialty "Bread Pudding Souffle". I love bread pudding and this one is really decadent! And they'll spruce it up with your greeting of choice. So Happy Birthday Don and Hunter. And a special thanks to Hunter for selecting the reataurant. It's a winner.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Parisian Art Market
Montmarte is well known for being the area artists such as Degas, Picasso and Pisarro. They dined in the local cabarets and were well known in the area. This is what it looks like today. But the most signficant landmark is Sacre Coeur, the famous white domed church that overlooks the Paris landscape.
"Parisian Art Market" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Parisian Art Market" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Flowering Maple
To many of you, this might look like a Hibiscus. But it's not. Where I live there are tons of hibiscus, all colors and shapes. We don't have maple trees or anything close, only Canadians when they come to the desert in the winter. But this is a prime example why flowers are not used to identify plants. It the leaves and leaf structure that a botanist looks at to truly make an identification. This is one of many flowering maples I saw at the botanical gardens in Spokane. And they come in a wide range of colors.
"Flowering Maple" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Flowering Maple" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Downtown Wallace
It may be small, but Wallace, Idaho was once a mining boom town. They've got the town looking pretty spiffy now, there's antique stores, a museum and some pretty good restaurants, all with lots of local history on display. I love the detail work on the blue cupola. They don't make buildings like that anymore.
"Downtown Wallace" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Downtown Wallace" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Vancouver at Night
Many cities come to life at night and Vancouver, BC is certainly one of them. An international city with a myriad of cultures it's not difficult to find something to suit everyone. I'm sure it was a jumping place during the Olympics.
"Vancouver at Night" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Vancouver at Night" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Fuzzy Eggplant
How often do you look at the back of a flower? Probably not very often. Sometimes that can reveal something unique you many not have noticed before. And when you get up close and personal even more can bee seen. Look at all those fuzzy hairs on the stem and dark purple calyx of this eggplant blossom.
"Fuzzy Eggplant" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Fuzzy Eggplant" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Musee d'Orsay
This treasure of a building that holds some of of the world's best Impressionist art was once a train station on the Left Bank of the Seine in Paris. Originally built in 1900, in time for the Paris Exposition, the station was in use until 1939, when it was closed and totally ignored, except for it's location in Orson Welles' 1962 film "The Trial". By the mid-70s it was considered for demolition. But in 1977, the Paris authorities decided to save the building by converting it into this striking museum. Note the huge clock on the opposite wall.
"Musee d'Orsay" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Musee d'Orsay" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Left Bank,
Musee d'Orsay,
Orson Welles,
Paris Exposition,
River Seine,
The Trial
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Misty Mountains
It's getting warmer here in the desert and Alaska is sounding might cool right about now. Especially those mornings when the mist hangs softly in the air. It is so quiet and peaceful, the whole experience is very surreal.
"Misty Mountains" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Misty Mountains" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Soft Pollen
We all know about pollen - that bees collect it to make honey, it's part of the fertilization process for plants and sometimes makes a big mess on our clothes. But most of us don't take a close look at it. In fact, without a good microscope we really can't enjoy the intricacies of these soft, fuzzy particles that propogate the species. Mother Nature is amazing isn't she?
"Soft Pollen" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Soft Pollen" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Yellow Bird of Paradise
Although not uncommon, the yellow bird of paradise is not a bush you see a lot of here in the California desert. So when I came upon this yellow one, with the brick red building in the background, it made a stunning contrast.
"Yellow Bird of Paradise" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Yellow Bird of Paradise" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Stravinsky Fountain
If you've been to Paris you may have seen this unique fountain outside the Centre Georges Pompidou, which is one of the world's most famous pieces of modern architecture. The building is "inside out", with brightly colored pipes on the facade. This fountain was inspired by Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Firebird . The bird (if you want to call it that) in the foreground is supposed to spin and spray water. I just happened to be there when it wasn't.
"Stravinsky Fountain" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Stravinsky Fountain" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Centre Georges Pompidou,
The Firebird
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Birthday USA
The 4th of July is a great time for family get togethers, bar-b-ques, being with friends, going to the river to fish or waterski and of course, watching fireworks. Many cities have cut back this year, most facing budget crises and trying to reduce expenditures. But we've got four displays here in the desert. Plenty for everyone to get their annual "fix".
"Happy Birthday USA" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Happy Birthday USA" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
The Lion of Venice
The pigeon has a great view but he's looking the wrong way. The lion's facing the entranace to the harbor, watching out for the Venetians. He sits atop a tall column, guarding the citizens.
"The Lion of Venice" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"The Lion of Venice" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Gettin' Ready for the 4th
It's almost the 4th of July. A time for bar-b-ques, going to the river, picnics and having a good time. Be safe this weekend and enjoy.
"Gettin' Ready for the 4th" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Gettin' Ready for the 4th" © Kathy Dunham 2010
Spring Shadows
Spring has come and gone but these daffodils remind us of the glory that the season brings. Bright, colorful flowers awaken the joy that nature brings as everything comes to life. We all look forward to spring as it is a new beginning and a sign of the good things to come.
"Spring Shadows" © Kathy Dunham 2010
"Spring Shadows" © Kathy Dunham 2010
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