Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy Bee

Yesterday before visiting the Art Festival in Santa Barbara my friend and I decided to check out the Santa Barbara Botanical Garden which was just a few miles further down the road from the festival grounds. This is a wonderful treasure hidden up in a canyon. It's primary focus is native plants and they've done a super job of keeping the site looking natural. There is a stream trickling through the canyon and the big sycamores, a grove of redwood trees, a dam built but the Native Indians in 1807 under the guidance of the mission priests and the flume that takes the water to the mission. Thjere are trails to wander and it's a great place to take the kids. The Native fuscia and goldenrods were in bloom and even though this is a dry year for Southern California, it was a beautiful sight. Equally busy were the bees collecting pollen. This guy had a pretty full load on his hind legs and didn't mind my taking his picture.

"Busy Bee" © Kathy Dunham 2008

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